The reason that we have to sleep
1. Categorazing and Memorizing my experiences during my sleeping.
2. Effusiong of my under-desires by dreams.
3. Relaxation of my body and brain.
The principals of Deep Sleep
1. Warm my room for my warm body : At the nights, the temperature is decreased and my body is coller. If my room is cool, I will often wake up for covering my body with a comforter. I don't realize the fact that I wake up last night, but It affect my sleep.
'상식을 키우자'에 해당되는 글 6건
- 2010.08.08 Principals of Deep Sleep
- 2010.03.15 곱틱 기독교
- 2010.03.15 이슬람교 나라별 현황
- 2009.07.11 hyperinflation
- 2009.05.09 The riligions of the world.<1>
- 2008.12.27 암흑물질
곱트교회는 그들의 기원을 서기 248년으로 삼는다. 이는 디오클레티아누스 황제의 박해로 많은 순교자들이 생겨났기 때문이다. 콥트 기독인들은 대부분 나일강 중상류 지역에서 살고 있다. 1800년대 중반부터 이뤄진 이집트 개신교의 역사는 이들 콥트 기독인에게 그 뿌리를 두고 있다. 회심자 대부분이 모슬렘이 아닌 콥트 기독인 출신이다. 오랜 기간의 박해를 견디며 중동지역의 가장 많은 교회를 존재케 한 콥트교회는 아랍선교의 가능성을 보여준다. 비록 이들이 마리아와 성자들을 숭배하는 등 개신교의 교리와 부딪히는 부분이 있지만 콥트교회 안에 성경공부운동이 일어나는 등 긍정적인 분위기도 있다.
◇콥트교회의 두 기둥=엄격한 예배의식과 콥트 기독인들을 응집케 하는 교황의 권위와 지도력,사막에 운둔하며 많은 영적인 지도자들을 배출한 수도원의 영성은 오늘날의 콥트교회를 지탱해주는 힘이다. 콥트교회의 교황인 바바 슈누다(바바란 이집트어로 아버지란 뜻)와 마카리우스 수도원의 마타가 바로 그 두 기둥이라 할 수 있다.
콥틱교회의 슈누다 교황은 어느 때이든 성도들이 질문하는 것을 허락한 최초의 교황이다. 성경강해 시간이 시작되면 성도들의 질문이 적힌 작은 쪽지들이 교황에게 전달된다. 교황은 가끔 유머를 섞어가며 모든 사람의 질문에 대답한다. 슈누다 교황은 1960년대부터 시작된 콥트 신학교교육을 새롭게 확장시켜나가 신학생 수를 3배나 늘렸다. 1900년에서 1961년 사이에 500명의 신학생들이 배출된데 비해 1964년부터 1994년까지 배출된 신학생은 2300명에 이른다. 그들 중 주교가 된 사람들도 많다.
한편 마타는 초기 교회 선배들의 엄격한 연구에 기초를 두고 영적인 발전을 도모했다. 많은 이들이 수도사적인 삶에 동참했고 개혁적 수도사 그룹을 형성했다. 마타는 1969년 6명의 고령의 수도사들만이 있는 마카리우스 수도원을 재건해줄 것을 부탁받았다. 당시 대부분의 건물은 붕괴됐으며 주위의 땅 또한 방치됐었다. 현재 마카리우스 수도원은 농업프로그램으로 풍성함을 누리고 수도사들도 100명에 달한다. 또 100여권의 콥트 신앙문서를 발간했다.
◇콥트의 관습들= 콥트교회는 초대교회 당시부터 전혀 변하지 않고 이어져 오는 것이 많다. 우선 콥트교회의 교황 선출은 최초에 모든 콥트교도가 투표를 해 교황 후보 10명을 정한다. 그후 5000명의 콥트교도가 투표에 참가,후보를 2명으로 좁힌다. 최종 결정은 하늘의 뜻이기 때문에 예배를 드리고 나서 어린이에게 제비뽑기를 시켜서 결정한다.
콥트교도에게 가장 중요한 행사는 부활절. 부활절 40일동안 그들은 단식을 한다. 고기류와 달걀은 금지돼 있으나 생선과 야채는 먹어도 된다. 콥트교도는 일생에 통과해야 할 몇가지 독특한 의식이 있다. 우선 아기가 태어나면 유아세례를 주고 콥트 계통의 이름을 지어준다. 다음엔 콥트교도라는 증거로 한쪽 팔목 안쪽에 십자가 모양을 새겨놓는다. 이것은 산양 젖에 담가놓았던 바늘로 피부에 십자가 모양을 문신하는 것인데 예수님이 십자가에 매달릴 때 겪었던 고통을 직접 느끼면서 콥트기독인임을 더욱 자각하기 위한 것이다.
◇콥트교회의 상황=근래 콥트교회 안에 놀라운 성령운동과 성경공부에 대한 노력 등이 있었다. 그러나 성도들이 이해할 수 없는 콥트어로 된 성경을 읽거나 기도문을 암송하기 때문에 성령의 감동이나 열매가 없다. 더구나 교인들을 빼앗길 것을 염려하는 지도자들은 개신교에 대해 경계하는 자세를 취하고 있다.
명목상의 기독인들로 살아가는 경우가 많다. 따라서 가난한 기독인들은 모슬렘으로 개종하면 주어지는 보상금에 현혹되거나 모슬렘 이성을 만나 결혼하면 개종하는 경우가 비일비재하다. 지금도 하루에 30∼40명의 기독인들이 모슬렘으로 개종하고 있다.(국민일보 함태경기자)
이슬람교 종파종류 및 나라별 현황
모리타니는 이슬람교를 국교로 하고 있으며, 수도의 동쪽 소도시에는 이슬람 고등연구소가 설치되어 있다. 문맹률은 95% 이상이나 되며, 학령아동 취학률도 10% 정도밖에 되지 않으나, 전근대적인 이슬람 교육은 상당히 보급되어 있다. 4년간의 의무교육제(6∼13세 사이에 수료)로 국민교육에 주력하고 있으며, 초등·중등교육의 확충에 힘쓰고 있다.
모리타니의 문화는 이슬람, 프랑스, 전통 아프리카의 영향을 받았다. 모리타니에는 문학이 없고 극장이 없다. 한편 전통음악은 종교적이지 않다. 4줄현악기(때론 하프)는 귀에 익숙하지않아신경을자극하기도 한다. 모리타니의 전통 노마딕은 수십년의 가뭄과 사막화로 인해 많은 씨족이 붕괴하여 주민들이 도시나 큰 마을로 이주하였다. 서아프리카에서 노마딕 거주로 주민을 다스리는 곳은 모리타니뿐이다.
알제리 주민의 90% 남짓은 이슬람교도이며 그 밖에 그리스도교도와 유대교도가 있다. 한때 100만을 넘었던 유럽인은 오늘날 10만 이하로 줄어들었다. 국어가 아랍어이고 인구의 대부분은 아랍화되어 있으나, 원주민인 베르베르족이 상당한 비중을 차지한다. 또 사하라사막 지대에는 투아레그족(族) 등, 수단계 아프리카인과의 혼혈부족이 살고 있다.
리비아의 원주민은 베르베르인이나 아랍인 침입 이래 혼혈로 20세기에 이르자 두 종족의 혼혈족이 총인구의 97%를 차지하게 되었다. 공용어는 아랍어이고, 베르베르어·영어·이탈리아어도 일부 사용한다. 국교는 이슬람교이며, 대부분이 수니파이다.
투르크 점령기간에는 사하라 횡단의 노예무역이 성한 탓으로 흑인과의 혼혈이 이루어졌는데, 현재도 트리폴리타니아·페잔을 중심으로 약 3만 5,000명의 흑인이 살고 있다. 그들 역시 아랍어를 쓰고 이슬람교를 믿는다. 그 밖에 유대인·이탈리아인·그리스인들이 많이 살았는데, 1969년 이후 거의 귀국하였다.
이집트 주민은 대부분 코카서스 인종인 함족에 속한다. 총인구의 대부분은 고대(古代)이집트인의 혈통을 이어받은 콥트인 및 누비아인으로 약 60%가 펠라라고 불리는 농민으로 구성된 농촌인구이다. 그 밖에는 수도 카이로를 포함한 도시지구의 거주민으로 아라비아 반도 및 팔레스타인의 아랍혈통을 받은 자와 투르크·아르메니아의 피를 이어받은 자 등이 이주한 것이다.
고대 이집트에서는 함어계의 언어가 사용되어 문서 등에 상형문자 및 그의 초서체(草書體)가 사용되었으나 고대 이집트의 멸망과 더불어 그 언어는 콥트어로서 국지적으로 존속해 왔다. 9세기경에 아라비아가 정복한 이래 이집트 전국에 아랍어가 급속히 전파되어 마침내 국어가 되었다. 1964년 헌법에서도 이슬람교가 국교임을 명시하고 있는데 이슬람을 문호의 기반으로서 더욱 강조한다.
국민의 90% 이상이 이슬람교도인데 대부분이 수니파에 속하고 나머지 10%는 콥트파(東方敎會系諸派의 하나)의 그리스도교도이다. 그 외 유대교도 등이 약간 있다. 각지에 이슬람 사원이 건립되었고, 하루 5회의 예배와 단식월(斷食月:라마단)의 준수 등 주민의 일상생활 구석구석까지 영향을 미친다.
이슬람교의 영향으로 이집트인들의 생활양식과 풍습에 이슬람 문화의 종적이 많이 남아 있는데 남녀격리의 습관·남존여비의 경향 등이 있으며 일부다처제가 인정되었으나 국민생활의 근대화와 더불어 점차 사라지고 있다. 그러나 농촌지역에는 고대의 가족제도가 있고, 메카 순례자를 존경하는 등 아직도 이슬람의 계율이 충실히 지켜진다.
6. 수단
수단 문화의 특징은 다양성이다. 각기 주요 종족들은 자기들만의 문화표현 방식을 갖고 있고 언어가 다양해 출간과 구전된 문학이 아주 많다. 수단의 주요 언어로는 아랍어이고, 때문에 문학 작품은 대부분이 아랍어로 쓰여 있다.수단은 북부의 아랍계 주민과 남부의 비아랍계 부족들 사이에 사회구조와 문화가 큰 차이가 있다. 1997년 현재 전인구의 33%가 도시에 살며 노동인구의 80%가 농업과 목축에 종사한다. 7~12세까지의 초등교육은 무상 의무교육이지만 문맹률은 53.9%(1995)이다. 수단의 북부에는 아랍어를 사용하는 이슬람계의 함족(族)과 셈족이 살고 있으며, 남부에는 각각 독특한 언어와 신앙을 가진 잡다한 인종과 부족이 살고 있어 남북 간에 뚜렷한 차이를 보인다.
사우디아라비아의 주민은 대부분이 유목민이고 나머지는 도시나 오아시스의 정착민이다. 이들은 모두 이슬람교를 믿으며, 수니파(派) 중에서 원시 이슬람으로 돌아갈 것을 주장하는 와하브파에 속한다. 이 종파는 사우디아라비아에만 존재하는 것으로, 그 계율은 이슬람 세계를 통틀어 가장 엄격하며, 음주는 외국인마저 엄금하고 있다. 우상 숭배를 부정하는 마음이 매우 강하여 최근까지도 수입 인형 및 마네킹을 점포에 장식하려면 그 머리를 잘라야 허가받을 수 있을 정도였다. 주민의 99%가 이슬람교도이다.
주민의 절대다수를 차지하는 아랍인과 소수민족 간의 인종분쟁과 이슬람교 각 종파간의 종교분쟁이 잦다. 아랍인 중에는 7세기의 대이동 때 아라비아반도에서 이 지역으로 이주한 계통과, 원주민이 아랍화(化)한 계통이 있으며, 그 비율은 거의 반반이다. 쿠르드인은 이란, 터키, 시리아에까지 걸쳐 거주하는 북부 쿠르디스탄 지방의 페르시아계(系) 주민으로 이라크 영토 안에 약 100만이 거주하고 있다.
주민의 95% 이상은 이슬람교도로서 북부지역에는 정통파와 수니파가, 남부지역에는 분파(分派)의 시아파(派)가 많다. 일상생활은 이슬람 교도가 지켜야 하는 1개월 간의 단식, 날마다 있는 예배 등의 종교적 실천과 금주(禁酒) 등의 계율엄수가 바탕이 되어 있다. 일반주민의 주거는 햇볕에 말려 만든 벽돌로 지은 집이 기본이나 메소포타미아 하류지역에서는 대추야자의 잎을 사용한 주거가 일반적이다.
시리아는 도시와 농촌 모두 이슬람 사원을 중심으로 하여 주위에 시장이 형성되어 있다. 특히 다마스쿠스의 시장은 규모가 크고 금은세공·상감(象嵌)목공품·견직물 등의 특산품(特産品)이 염가인 것으로 유명하다. 20세기 초에 터키의 억압을 피하여 이주한 아르메니아인은 집단거주 없이 분산해 있으나, 공업기술 분야 등 새로운 분야에 진출하여 경합관계를 피하고 있는 데다 근면하기 때문에 마찰이 없을 뿐만 아니라 중요시되고 있다. 시리아는 도덕적, 윤리적 가치를 가족, 종교, 교육, 자기수양 등에 두고 있다. 시리아는 살아있는 민속전통의 나라이다. 다양한 종류의 칼춤인 알사바흐와 다브케스에서 시리아의 문화를 느낄 수 있고 아이가 태어냈을 때나 결혼식장에서 민속의상을 볼 수 있고 다마스커스의 알레포와 다른 시리아의 도시에서도 감귤나무, 포도나무, 꽃으로 장식된 생활지역을 볼 수 있다.
10. 예멘
예멘인은 고대에 번영한 왕국의 후손으로서의 아랍인의 원형이라는 자부심을 가진 민족이다. 그러나 현대에 들어서는 경제적 빈곤과 남북의 분단으로 인해 과거의 영화를 잇지 못하고 있다. 문맹률이 85%에 이르고, 유아사망률도 1,000명 당 121명으로 중동 국가들 가운데 가장 높은 편이다. 고등교육기관으로 사나대학과 아덴대학이 있다. 국영 통신사와 일간신문 4종, 국영 텔레비전·라디오 방송사가 있다. 예멘은 고대부터 형성된 독특한 문화유산이 많고 신화·민속 등의 문학도 다양한 편이다. 예멘은 고대부터 형성된 독특한 문화유산이 많고 신화·민속 등의 문학도 다양한 편이다. 거주문화는 집의 형태로 잘 알 수 있다. 집은 자연에서 얻을 수 있는 것들을 사용하고 항상 자연 경관과 어울리게 되어 있다. 지역에 따라 진흙, 블럭, 돌을 적절히 이용한다. 높은 지역에서는 4~6층 높이의 집을 짓는다.
오만은 아랍인이 전체 인구의 3/4을 차지하여 압도적으로 많으며, 이들은 엄격한 수니파의 교리로 결속되어 있다. 전체 인구의 약 절반이 15세 미만으로 인구증가율이 높고 도시화율은 비교적 낮아 대다수의 주민이 시골에 거주한다. 보건·위생 실태는 아직도 열악한 편으로 말라리아와 같은 전염병이 자주 발생하며, 평균수명도 약 55세로 낮다. 최근 교육에 대한 높은 관심을 보여 초급학교가 300여 개로 늘어났으며, 고등교육기관은 1985년에 설립된 술탄카부스대학이 있다. 오만은 현대적인 모습이 많지만 아직도 전통이 남아 있다. 해안과 촌락에서는 일상생활이 거의 변화가 없다. 오만의 전통적인 미술, 음악, 춤(박물관이나 공연장에서가 아닌 길거리의 공연)을 보존하기 위해 노력한다. 조각품으로 유명한 것은 은 세공품들이다. 은칼집과 은 세공 보석 등이 뛰어나다.
소말리아는 이탈리아령과 영국령이 통합된 나라이므로 사회적·문화적인 통합은 쉬운 일이 아니었으나, 소말리족의 전통적인 사회구조와 이슬람 문화가 통합을 가능하게 하였다. 아프리카에서는 드문 단일민족·단일언어 국가이다. 이탈리아·미국·이집트 등의 나라에서 각종 교육원조를 받고 있으나 아직 국민 대다수가 문맹자이고 근대적인 교육제도의 보급도 늦어지고 있다. 도시의 발달도 잘 되어 있지 않고, 특히 소말리아 영내에는 철도가 없으며 수도에서 남북으로 통하는 600여km의 도로가 있을 뿐이다.
모로코의 사경제(私經濟) 부문은 주로 프랑스인들이 장악하고 있다. 1969년 은행, 보험, 서비스업의 국유화를 촉진시키는 법을 제정하는 한편, 외국인의 투자를 촉진시키기 위해 외국인의 자산 및 이익은 법에 의해 보호를 받는다. 독일, 프랑스, 에스파냐 등 유럽 각국과 경제협력을 논의하기 위해 정기적인 회의가 매년 열리고 있다. 교통은 카사블랑카로부터 각 지역 중심지로 방사상으로 연결되어 있다. 철도는 국유화되어 있다. 항공로는 모로코 항공이 운항하며 카사블랑카, 탕헤르, 라바트, 아가디르 등지에 공항이 있다. 총인구의 1/4이 베르베르어를 사용하는데 중·고등학교 교사의 대부분이 프랑스어 또는 에스파냐어를 사용한다. 대학은 페즈의 이슬람교 대학 등 6개교가 있다.
이슬람의 현황
이슬람의 있는 나라의 인구별 비율
1. 인구의 99% 이상의 국가 터어키, 예멘, 아프가니스탄, 투니지아, 모로코, 서사하라, 몰리테이나, 알제리
2. 인구의 90% 이상의 국가 사우디아라비아, 오만, 아랍에미리트, 바레인, 카타르, 시리아, 요르단 이라크, 이란 파키스탄, 리비아 소말리아
3. 인구의 50%에서 90%인 국가 아제르 바아잔, 투르크메니스탄, 우즈벡키스탄, 카작스탄, 키르기스탄, 타직키스탄, 알바니아 말리, 니제르, 세네갈, 감비아, 기니아, 수단, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 방글라데쉬
4. 인구의 10% 50%인 나라 코트딜보이레, 부르키나파소, 가나, 토고, 베닌, 나이제리아, 카메룬, 차드, 에디오피아, 말라위, 모잠비크, 탄자니아, 수리남
5. 인구의 5%에서 10%인 국가 프랑스, 우간다. 케냐, 인도, 미얀마, 유고슬라비아, 불가리아, 보스니아
6. 인구 1%에서 5%인 국가 미국, 캐나다, 오스트에일리아, 영국, 벨기에, 네델란드, 독일, 스위스, 오스트리아, 루마니아, 중국, 타일랜드, 캄보디아, 라오스, 베트남, 구야나, 가봉, 콩고, 자아레, 남아공화국, 마다가스카
- Certain figures in this article use scientific notation for readability.
In economics, hyperinflation is inflation that is very high or "out of control", a condition in which prices increase rapidly as a currency loses its value.[1] Definitions used by the media vary from a cumulative inflation rate over three years approaching 100% to "inflation exceeding 50% a month." [2] In informal usage the term is often applied to much lower rates. As a rule of thumb, normal inflation is reported per year, but hyperinflation is often reported for much shorter intervals, often per month.
The definition used by most economists is "an inflationary cycle without any tendency toward equilibrium."[citation needed] A vicious circle is created in which more and more inflation is created with each iteration of the cycle. Although there is a great deal of debate about the root causes of hyperinflation, it becomes visible when there is an unchecked increase in the money supply (or drastic debasement of coinage) usually accompanied by a widespread unwillingness to hold the money for more than the time needed to trade it for something tangible to avoid further loss. Hyperinflation is often associated with wars (or their aftermath), economic depressions, and political or social upheavals.
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[edit] Characteristics
In 1956, Phillip Cagan wrote The Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation,[3] generally regarded as the first serious study of hyperinflation and its effects. In it, he defined hyperinflation as a monthly inflation rate of at least 50%. International Accounting Standard 1[4] requires a presentation currency. IAS 21[5] provides for translations of foreign currencies into the presentation currency. IAS 29[6] establishes special accounting rules for use in hyperinflationary environments, and lists four factors which can trigger application of these rules:
- The general population prefers to keep its wealth in non-monetary assets or in a relatively stable foreign currency. Amounts of local currency held are immediately invested to maintain purchasing power.
- The general population regards monetary amounts not in terms of the local currency but in terms of a relatively stable foreign currency. Prices may be quoted in that foreign currency.
- Sales and purchases on credit take place at prices that compensate for the expected loss of purchasing power during the credit period, even if the period is short.
- Interest rates, wages and prices are linked to a price index and the cumulative inflation rate over three years approaches, or exceeds, 100%.
[edit] Root causes of hyperinflation
The main cause of hyperinflation is a massive and rapid increase in the amount of money, which is not supported by growth in the output of goods and services. This results in an imbalance between the supply and demand for the money (including currency and bank deposits), accompanied by a complete loss of confidence in the money, similar to a bank run. Enactment of legal tender laws and price controls to prevent discounting the value of paper money relative to gold, silver, hard currency, or commodities, fails to force acceptance of a paper money which lacks intrinsic value. If the entity responsible for printing a currency promotes excessive money printing, with other factors contributing a reinforcing effect, hyperinflation usually continues. Often the body responsible for printing the currency cannot physically print paper currency faster than the rate at which it is devaluing, thus neutralizing their attempts to stimulate the economy.[7][dead link]
Hyperinflation is generally associated with paper money because this can easily be used to increase the money supply: add more zeros to the plates and print, or even stamp old notes with new numbers. Historically there have been numerous episodes of hyperinflation in various countries, followed by a return to "hard money". Older economies would revert to hard currency and barter when the circulating medium became excessively devalued, generally following a "run" on the store of value.
Hyperinflation effectively wipes out the purchasing power of private and public savings, distorts the economy in favor of extreme consumption and hoarding of real assets, causes the monetary base, whether specie or hard currency, to flee the country, and makes the afflicted area anathema to investment. Hyperinflation is met with drastic remedies, such as imposing the shock therapy of slashing government expenditures or altering the currency basis. An example of the latter occurred in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2005, when the central bank was only allowed to print as much money as it had in foreign currency reserves. Another example was the dollarization in Ecuador, initiated in September 2000 in response to a massive 75% loss of value of the Sucre currency in early January 2000. Dollarization is the use of a foreign currency (not necessarily the U.S. dollar) as a national unit of currency.
The aftermath of hyperinflation is equally complex. As hyperinflation has always been a traumatic experience for the area which suffers it, the next policy regime almost always enacts policies to prevent its recurrence. Often this means making the central bank very aggressive about maintaining price stability, as was the case with the German Bundesbank, or moving to some hard basis of currency such as a currency board. Many governments have enacted extremely stiff wage and price controls in the wake of hyperinflation, which is, in effect, a form of forced savings, but does not prevent further inflating of the money supply by its central bank, and always leads to widespread shortages of consumer goods if the controls are rigidly enforced.
As it allows a government to devalue their spending and displace (or avoid) a tax increase, governments have sometimes resorted to excessively loose monetary policy to meet their expenses. Inflation is considered by some another tax on citizens but less overt and is therefore harder to understand by ordinary citizens. Inflation can obscure quantitative assessments of the true cost of living, as published price indices only look at data in retrospect, so may increase only months or years later. Monetary inflation can become hyperinflation if monetary authorities fail to fund increasing government expenses from taxes, government debt, cost cutting, or by other means, because:
- (1) during the time between recording or levying taxable transactions and collecting the taxes due, the value of the taxes collected falls in real value to a small fraction of the original taxes receivable;
- (2) government debt issues fail to find buyers except at very deep discounts
Theories of hyperinflation generally look for a relationship between seigniorage and the inflation tax. In both Cagan's model and the neo-classical models, a crucial point is when the increase in money supply or the drop in basic money stock makes it impossible for a government to improve its financial position. Thus when fiat money is printed, government obligations that are not denominated in money increase in cost by more than the value of the money created.
From this, it might be wondered why any rational government would engage in actions that cause or continue hyperinflation. One reason for such actions is that often the alternative to hyperinflation is either depression or military defeat. The root cause is a matter of more dispute. In both classical economics and monetarism, it is always the result of the monetary authority irresponsibly borrowing money to pay all its expenses. These models focus on the unrestrained seigniorage of the monetary authority, and the gains from the inflation tax. In Neoliberalism, hyperinflation is considered to be the result of a crisis of confidence. The monetary base of the country flees, producing widespread fear that individuals will not be able to convert local currency to some more transportable form, such as gold or an internationally recognized hard currency. This is a quantity theory of hyperinflation.[citation needed]
In neo-classical economic theory, hyperinflation is rooted in a deterioration of the monetary base, that is the confidence that there is a store of value which the currency will be able to command later. In this model, the perceived risk of holding currency rises dramatically, and sellers demand increasingly high premiums to accept the currency. This in turn leads to a greater fear that the currency will collapse, causing even higher premiums. One example of this is during periods of warfare, civil war, or intense internal conflict of other kinds: governments need to do whatever is necessary to continue fighting, since the alternative is defeat. Expenses cannot be cut significantly since the main outlay is armaments. Further, a civil war may make it difficult to raise taxes or to collect existing taxes. While in peacetime the deficit is financed by selling bonds, during a war it is typically difficult and expensive to borrow, especially if the war is going poorly for the government in question. The banking authorities, whether central or not, "monetize" the deficit, printing money to pay for the government's efforts to survive. The hyperinflation under the Chinese Nationalists from 1939-1945 is a classic example of a government printing money to pay civil war costs. By the end, currency was flown in over the Himalaya, and then old currency was flown out to be destroyed.
Hyperinflation is regarded as a complex phenomenon and one explanation may not be applicable to all cases. However, in both of these models, whether loss of confidence comes first, or central bank seigniorage, the other phase is ignited. In the case of rapid expansion of the money supply, prices rise rapidly in response to the increased supply of money relative to the supply of goods and services, and in the case of loss of confidence, the monetary authority responds to the risk premiums it has to pay by "running the printing presses."
In the United States of America, hyperinflation was seen during the Revolutionary War and during the Civil War, especially on the Confederate side. Many other cases of extreme social conflict encouraging hyperinflation can be seen, as in Germany after World War I, Hungary at the end of World War II and in Yugoslavia in the late 1980s just before break up of the country.
Less commonly, inflation may occur when there is debasement of the coinage — wherein coins are consistently shaved of some of their silver and gold, increasing the circulating medium and reducing the value of the currency. The "shaved" specie is then often restruck into coins with lower weight of gold or silver. Historical examples include Ancient Rome, China during the Song Dynasty, and the United States beginning in 1933. When "token" coins begin circulating, it is possible for the minting authority to engage in fiat creation of currency.
[edit] Models of hyperinflation
Since hyperinflation is visible as a monetary effect, models of hyperinflation center on the demand for money. Economists see both a rapid increase in the money supply and an increase in the velocity of money if the (monetary) inflating is not stopped. Either one, or both of these together are the root causes of inflation and hyperinflation. A dramatic increase in the velocity of money as the cause of hyperinflation is central to the "crisis of confidence" model of hyperinflation, where the risk premium that sellers demand for the paper currency over the nominal value grows rapidly. The second theory is that there is first a radical increase in the amount of circulating medium, which can be called the "monetary model" of hyperinflation. In either model, the second effect then follows from the first — either too little confidence forcing an increase in the money supply, or too much money destroying confidence.
In the confidence model, some event, or series of events, such as defeats in battle, or a run on stocks of the specie which back a currency, removes the belief that the authority issuing the money will remain solvent — whether a bank or a government. Because people do not want to hold notes which may become valueless, they want to spend them in preference to holding notes which will lose value. Sellers, realizing that there is a higher risk for the currency, demand a greater and greater premium over the original value. Under this model, the method of ending hyperinflation is to change the backing of the currency — often by issuing a completely new one. War is one commonly cited cause of crisis of confidence, particularly losing in a war, as occurred during Napoleonic Vienna, and capital flight, sometimes because of "contagion" is another. In this view, the increase in the circulating medium is the result of the government attempting to buy time without coming to terms with the root cause of the lack of confidence itself.
In the monetary model, hyperinflation is a positive feedback cycle of rapid monetary expansion. It has the same cause as all other inflation: money-issuing bodies, central or otherwise, produce currency to pay spiralling costs, often from lax fiscal policy, or the mounting costs of warfare. When businesspeople perceive that the issuer is committed to a policy of rapid currency expansion, they mark up prices to cover the expected decay in the currency's value. The issuer must then accelerate its expansion to cover these prices, which pushes the currency value down even faster than before. According to this model the issuer cannot "win" and the only solution is to abruptly stop expanding the currency. Unfortunately, the end of expansion can cause a severe financial shock to those using the currency as expectations are suddenly adjusted. This policy, combined with reductions of pensions, wages, and government outlays, formed part of the Washington consensus of the 1990s.
Whatever the cause, hyperinflation involves both the supply and velocity of money. Which comes first is a matter of debate, and there may be no universal story that applies to all cases. But once the hyperinflation is established, the pattern of increasing the money stock, by whichever agencies are allowed to do so, is universal. Because this practice increases the supply of currency without any matching increase in demand for it, the price of the currency, that is the exchange rate, naturally falls relative to other currencies. Inflation becomes hyperinflation when the increase in money supply turns specific areas of pricing power into a general frenzy of spending quickly before money becomes worthless. The purchasing power of the currency drops so rapidly that holding cash for even a day is an unacceptable loss of purchasing power. As a result, no one holds currency, which increases the velocity of money, and worsens the crisis.
That is, rapidly rising prices undermine money's role as a store of value, so that people try to spend it on real goods or services as quickly as possible. Thus, the monetary model predicts that the velocity of money will rise endogenously as a result of the excessive increase in the money supply. At the point when ordinary purchases are affected by inflation pressures, hyperinflation is out of control, in the sense that ordinary policy mechanisms, such as increasing reserve requirements, raising interest rates or cutting government spending will all be responded to by shifting away from the rapidly dwindling currency and towards other means of exchange.
During a period of hyperinflation, bank runs, loans for 24 hour periods, switching to alternate currencies, the return to use of gold or silver or even barter become common. Many of the people who hoard gold today expect hyperinflation, and are hedging against it by holding specie. There may also be extensive capital flight or flight to a "hard" currency such as the U.S. dollar. This is sometimes met with capital controls, an idea which has swung from standard, to anathema, and back into semi-respectability. All of this constitutes an economy which is operating in an "abnormal" way, which may lead to decreases in real production. If so, that intensifies the hyperinflation, since it means that the amount of goods in "too much money chasing too few goods" formulation is also reduced. This is also part of the vicious circle of hyperinflation.
Once the vicious circle of hyperinflation has been ignited, dramatic policy means are almost always required, simply raising interest rates is insufficient. Bolivia, for example, underwent a period of hyperinflation in 1985, where prices increased 12,000% in the space of less than a year. The government raised the price of gasoline, which it had been selling at a huge loss to quiet popular discontent, and the hyperinflation came to a halt almost immediately, since it was able to bring in hard currency by selling its oil abroad. The crisis of confidence ended, and people returned deposits to banks. The German hyperinflation (1919-Nov. 1923) was ended by producing a currency based on assets loaned against by banks, called the Rentenmark. Hyperinflation often ends when a civil conflict ends with one side winning. Although wage and price controls are sometimes used to control or prevent inflation, no episode of hyperinflation has been ended by the use of price controls alone. However, wage and price controls have sometimes been part of the mix of policies used to halt hyperinflation.
[edit] Hyperinflation and the currency
As noted, in countries experiencing hyperinflation, the central bank often prints money in larger and larger denominations as the smaller denomination notes become worthless. This can result in the production of some interesting banknotes, including those denominated in amounts of 1,000,000,000 or more.
- By late 1923, the Weimar Republic of Germany was issuing two-trillon Mark banknotes and postage stamps with a face value of fifty billion Mark. The highest value banknote issued by the Weimar government's Reichsbank had a face value of 100 trillion Mark (100,000,000,000,000; 100 billion on the long scale).[8] [9]. One of the firms printing these notes submitted an invoice for the work to the Reichsbank for 32,776,899,763,734,490,417.05 (3.28×1019, or 33 quintillion) Marks.[10]
- The largest denomination banknote ever officially issued for circulation was in 1946 by the Hungarian National Bank for the amount of 100 quintillion pengő (100,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 1020; 100 trillion on the long scale). image (There was even a banknote worth 10 times more, i.e. 1021 pengő, printed, but not issued image.) The banknotes however didn't depict the number, making the 100,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwean dollar banknote the world's leader when it comes to depicted zeros on banknotes.
- The Post-WWII hyperinflation of Hungary held the record for the most extreme monthly inflation rate ever — 41,900,000,000,000,000% (4.19 × 1016%) for July, 1946, amounting to prices doubling every thirteen and half hours. By comparison, recent figures (as of 14 November 2008) estimate Zimbabwe's annual inflation rate at 89.7 sextillion (1021) percent. [11], which corresponds to a monthly rate of 5473%, and a half-life of about five days.
One way to avoid the use of large numbers is by declaring a new unit of currency (an example being, instead of 10,000,000,000 Dollars, a bank might set 1 new dollar = 1,000,000,000 old dollars, so the new note would read "10 new dollars".) An example of this would be Turkey's revaluation of the Lira on 1 January 2005, when the old Turkish lira (TRL) was converted to the New Turkish lira (YTL) at a rate of 1,000,000 old to 1 new Turkish Lira. While this does not lessen the actual value of a currency, it is called redenomination or revaluation and also happens over time in countries with standard inflation levels. During hyperinflation, currency inflation happens so quickly that bills reach large numbers before revaluation.
Some banknotes were stamped to indicate changes of denomination. This is because it would take too long to print new notes. By time the new notes would be printed, they would be obsolete (that is, they would be of too low a denomination to be useful).
Metallic coins were rapid casualties of hyperinflation, as the scrap value of metal enormously exceeded the face value. Massive amounts of coinage were melted down, usually illicitly, and exported for hard currency.
Governments will often try to disguise the true rate of inflation through a variety of techniques. These can include the following:
- Outright lying in official statistics such as money supply, inflation or reserves.
- Suppression of publication of money supply statistics, or inflation indices.
- Price and wage controls.
- Forced savings schemes, designed to suck up excess liquidity. These savings schemes may be described as pensions schemes, emergency funds, war funds, or something similar.
- Adjusting the components of the Consumer price index, to remove those items whose prices are rising the fastest.
None of these actions address the root causes of inflation, and in fact, if discovered, tend to further undermine trust in the currency, causing further increases in inflation. Price controls will generally result in hoarding and extremely high demand for the controlled goods, resulting in shortages and disruptions of the supply chain. Products available to consumers may diminish or disappear as businesses no longer find it sufficiently profitable (or may be operating at a loss) to continue producing and/or distributing such goods, further exacerbating the problem.
[edit] Examples of hyperinflation
- Angola
- Angola went through its worst inflation from 1991 to 1995. In early 1991, the highest denomination was 50,000 kwanzas. By 1994, it was 500,000 kwanzas. In the 1995 currency reform, 1 kwanza reajustado was exchanged for 1,000 kwanzas. The highest denomination in 1995 was 5,000,000 kwanzas reajustados. In the 1999 currency reform, 1 new kwanza was exchanged for 1,000,000 kwanzas reajustados. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 new kwanza = 1,000,000,000 pre 1991 kwanzas.
- Argentina
- Argentina went through steady inflation from 1975 to 1991. At the beginning of 1975, the highest denomination was 1,000 pesos. In late 1976, the highest denomination was 5,000 pesos. In early 1979, the highest denomination was 10,000 pesos. By the end of 1981, the highest denomination was 1,000,000 pesos. In the 1983 currency reform, 1 Peso argentino was exchanged for 10,000 pesos. In the 1985 currency reform, 1 austral was exchanged for 1,000 pesos argentinos. In the 1992 currency reform, 1 new peso was exchanged for 10,000 australes. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 (1992) peso = 100,000,000,000 pre-1983 pesos.
- Austria
- Between 1921 and 1922, inflation in Austria reached 134%. With the highest banknote in denominations of 500,000 Austro-Hungarian krones.
- Belarus
- Belarus went through steady inflation from 1994 to 2002. In 1993, the highest denomination was 5,000 rublei. By 1999, it was 5,000,000 rublei. In the 2000 currency reform, the ruble was replaced by the new ruble at an exchange rate of 1 new ruble = 1,000 old rublei. The highest denomination in 2008 was 100,000 rublei, equal to 100,000,000 pre-2000 rublei.
- Bolivia
- Bolivia went through its worst inflation between 1984 and 1986. Before 1984, the highest denomination was 1,000 pesos bolivianos. By 1985, the highest denomination was 10 Million pesos bolivianos. In 1985, a Bolivian note for 1 million pesos was worth 55 cents in US dollars, one-thousandth of its exchange value of $5,000 less than three years previously.[12] In the 1987 currency reform, the Peso Boliviano was replaced by the Boliviano at a rate of 1,000,000 : 1.
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bosnia-Hezegovina went through its worst inflation in 1993. In 1992, the highest denomination was 1,000 dinara. By 1993, the highest denomination was 100,000,000 dinara. In the Republika Srpska, the highest denomination was 10,000 dinara in 1992 and 10,000,000,000 dinara in 1993. 50,000,000,000 dinara notes were also printed in 1993 but never issued.
- Brazil
- From 1986 to 1994, the base currency unit was shifted three times to adjust for inflation in the final years of the Brazilian military dictatorship era. A 1967 cruzeiro was, in 1994, worth less than one trillionth of a US cent, after adjusting for multiple devaluations and note changes. A new currency called real was adopted in 1994, and hyperinflation was eventually brought under control. The real was also the currency in use until 1942; 1 (current) real is the equivalent of 2,750,000,000,000,000,000 of old reals (called réis in Portuguese).[13]
- Bulgaria
- During 1996 the Bulgarian economy collapsed due to the BSP's, slow and mismanaged economic reforms, its disastrous agricultural policy, and an unstable and decentralized banking system, which led to an inflation rate of 311% and the collapse of the lev, with an exhange rate $1:Lev reaching 1:3000. When pro-reform forces came into power in the spring 1997, an ambitious economic reform package, including introduction of a currency board regime and pegging the Bulgarian Lev to the German Deutsche Mark (and consequently to the euro), was agreed to with the IMF and the World Bank, and the economy began to stabilize.
- Chile
- Beginning in 1971, during the presidency of Salvador Allende, Chilean inflation began to rise and reached peaks of 1,200% in 1973. As a result of the hyperinflation, food became scarce and overpriced. A 1973 coup d'état deposed Allende and installed a military government led by Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet's free-market economic policy ended the inflation and except for an economic depression in 1981 the economy has recovered. Overall impact of the inflation: 1 current Chilean Peso = 1,000 Escudos.
- China
- As the first user of fiat currency, China has had an early history of troubles caused by hyperinflation. The Yuan Dynasty printed huge amounts of fiat paper money to fund their wars, and the resulting hyperinflation, coupled with other factors, led to its demise at the hands of a revolution. The Republic of China went through the worst inflation 1948-49. In 1947, the highest denomination was 50,000 yuan. By mid-1948, the highest denomination was 180,000,000 yuan. The 1948 currency reform replaced the yuan by the gold yuan at an exchange rate of 1 gold yuan = 3,000,000 yuan. In less than 1 year, the highest denomination was 10,000,000 gold yuan. In the final days of the civil war, the Silver Yuan was briefly introduced at the rate of 500,000,000 Gold Yuan. Meanwhile the highest denomination issued by a regional bank was 6,000,000,000 yuan (issued by XinJiang Provincial Bank in 1949). After the renminbi was instituted by the new communist government, hyperinflation ceased with a revaluation of 1:10,000 old Renminbi in 1955.
- Free City of Danzig
- Danzig went through its worst inflation in 1923. In 1922, the highest denomination was 1,000 Mark. By 1923, the highest denomination was 10,000,000,000 Mark.
- Georgia
- Georgia went through its worst inflation in 1994. In 1993, the highest denomination was 100,000 coupons [kuponi]. By 1994, the highest denomination was 1,000,000 coupons. In the 1995 currency reform, a new currency lari was introduced with 1 lari exchanged for 1,000,000 coupons.
- Germany went through its worst inflation in 1923. In 1922, the highest denomination was 50,000 Mark. By 1923, the highest denomination was 100,000,000,000,000 Mark. In December 1923 the exchange rate was 4,200,000,000,000 Marks to 1 US dollar.[14] In 1923, the rate of inflation hit 3.25 × 106 percent per month (prices double every two days). Beginning on 20 November 1923, 1,000,000,000,000 old Marks were exchanged for 1 Rentenmark[14] so that 4.2 Rentenmarks were worth 1 US dollar, exactly the same rate the Mark had in 1914.
- Greece
- Greece went through its worst inflation in 1944. In 1942, the highest denomination was 50,000 drachmai. By 1944, the highest denomination was 100,000,000,000,000 drachmai. In the 1944 currency reform, 1 new drachma was exchanged for 50,000,000,000 drachmai. Another currency reform in 1953 replaced the drachma at an exchange rate of 1 new drachma = 1,000 old drachmai. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 (1953) drachma = 50,000,000,000,000 pre 1944 drachmai. The Greek monthly inflation rate reached 8.5 billion percent in October 1944.
- Hungary
- Hungary went through the worst inflation ever between the end of 1945 and July 1946. In 1944, the highest denomination was 1,000 pengő. By the end of 1945, it was 10,000,000 pengő. The highest denomination in mid-1946 was 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 pengő. A special currency the adópengő - or tax pengő - was created for tax and postal payments [1]. The value of the adópengő was adjusted each day, by radio announcement. On 1 January 1946 one adópengő equaled one pengő. By late July, one adópengő equaled 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 2×1021 pengő. When the pengő was replaced in August 1946 by the forint, the total value of all Hungarian banknotes in circulation amounted to one-thousandth of one US dollar. [15] It is the most severe known incident of inflation recorded, peaking at 1.3 × 1016 percent per month (prices double every 15 hours) [16] . The overall impact of hyperinflation: On 18 August, 1946 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 4 × 1029 (four hundred octillion [ short scale) pengő became 1 forint.
- One source [2] states that this hyperinflation was purposely started by trained Russian Marxists in order to destroy the Hungarian middle and upper classes. The 1946 currency reform changed the currency to forint. Previously, between 1922 and 1924 inflation in Hungary reached 98%.
- Israel
- Inflation accelerated in the 1970s, rising steadily from 13% in 1971 to 111% in 1979. From 133% in 1980, it leaped to 191% in 1983 and then to 445% in 1984, threatening to become a four-digit figure within a year or two. In 1985 Israel froze all prices by law. That same year, inflation more than halved, to 185%. Within a few months, the authorities began to lift the price freeze on some items; in other cases it took almost a year. By 1986, inflation was down to 19%.
- Japan
- After WW II, Japan went through the highest denomination at that time, which was a 75,000,000,000 Yen bank cheque. The Japan wholesale price index (relative to 1 as the average of 1930) shot up to 16.3 in 1943, 127.9 in 1948 and 342.5 in 1951. In the early 1950s, after achieving independence from USA, Japan controlled its own money. Through its rapidly growing export trade, Japan stabilized the Yen quickly.
- Krajina
- Krajina went through the worst inflation in 1993. In 1992, the highest denomination was 50,000 dinara. By 1993, the highest denomination was 50,000,000,000 dinara. Note that this unrecognized country was reincorporated into Croatia in 1998.
- Madagascar
- The Malagasy franc had a turbulent time in 2004, losing nearly half its value and sparking rampant inflation. On 1 January 2005 the Malagasy ariary replaced the previous currency at a rate of one ariary for five Malagsy francs. In May 2005 there were riots over rising inflation, although falling prices have since calmed the situation.
- Mozambique
- Mozambique was one of the world's poorest countries when it became independent in 1975. Mismanagement and a brutal civil war from 1977-92 led to continued inflation. The highest denomination in 1976 was 100 meticals. By 2004, it was 500,000 meticals. In the 2006 currency reform, 1 new metical was exchanged for 1,000 old meticals.
- Nicaragua
- Nicaragua went through the worst inflation from 1987 to 1990. From 1943 to April 1971, one US dollar equalled 7 córdobas. From April 1971 to early 1978, one US dollar was worth 10 córdobas. In early 1986, the highest denomination was 10,000 córdobas. By 1987, it was 1,000,000 córdobas. In the 1988 currency reform, 1 new córdoba was exchanged for 10,000 old córdobas. The highest denomination in 1990 was 100,000,000 new córdobas. In the 1991 currency reform, 1 new córdoba was exchanged for 5,000,000 old córdobas. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 (1991) córdoba = 50,000,000,000 pre-1988 córdobas.
- Peru
- Peru went through its worst inflation from 1988 to 1990. In the 1985 currency reform, 1 inti was exchanged for 1,000 soles. In 1986, the highest denomination was 1,000 intis. But in September 1988, monthly inflation went to 132%. In August 1990, monthly inflation was 397%. The highest denomination was 10,000,000 intis by 1991. In the 1991 currency reform, 1 nuevo sol was exchanged for 1,000,000 intis. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 nuevo sol = 1,000,000,000 (old) soles.
- Philippines
- The Japanese government occupying the Philippines during the World War II issued fiat currencies for general circulation. The Japanese-sponsored Second Philippine Republic government led by Jose P. Laurel at the same time outlawed possession of other currencies, most especially "guerilla money." The fiat money was dubbed "Mickey Mouse Money" because it is similar to play money and is next to worthless. Survivors of the war often tell tales of bringing suitcase or bayong (native bags made of woven coconut or buri leaf strips) overflowing with Japanese-issued bills. In the early times, 75 Mickey Mouse pesos could buy one duck egg[17]. In 1944, a box of matches cost more than 100 Mickey Mouse pesos.[18].
- In 1942, the highest denomination available was 10 pesos. Before the end of the war, because of inflation, the Japanese government was forced to issue 100, 500 and 1000 peso notes.
- Poland
- Poland went through inflation (second time) between 1989 and 1991. The highest denomination in 1989 was 200,000 zlotych. It was 1,000,000 zlotych in 1991 and 2,000,000 zlotych in 1992; the exchange rate was 9500 zlotych for 1 US dollar in January 1990 and 19600 zlotych at the end of August 1992. In the 1994 currency reform, 1 new zloty was exchanged for 10,000 old zlotych and 1 US$ exchange rate was ca. 2.5 zlotych (new).
Previously, between 1922 and 1924, Polish inflation reached 275% and exchange rate in 1923 was 6,375,000 Polish marka (mkp) for 1 US dollar (before the inflation there was only 9 mkp for 1US$ in 1918), and the highest denomination was 10,000,000 mkp. In the 1924 currency reform there was new currency introduced: 1 zloty = 1,800,000 mkp.
- Republika Srpska
- Republika Srpska was the breakaway region of Bosnia. As with Krajina, it pegged its currency, the Republika Srpska dinar, to that of Yugoslavia. Their bills were almost the same as Krajina's, but they issued fewer and didn't issue currency after 1993.
- Romania
- Romania is still working through steady inflation. The highest denomination in 1998 was 100,000 lei. By 2000 it was 500,000 lei. In early 2005 it was 1,000,000 lei. In July 2005 the leu was replaced by the new leu at 10,000 old lei = 1 new leu. Inflation in 2005 was 9%. In 2006 the highest denomination is 500 lei (= 5,000,000 old lei).
- Russian Federation
- Between 1921 and 1922 inflation in Soviet Russia reached 213%.
- In 1992, the first year of post-Soviet economic reform, inflation was 2,520%. In 1993 the annual rate was 840%, and in 1994, 224%. The ruble devalued from about 40 r/$ in 1991 to about 5,000 r/$ in late 1997. In 1998, a denominated ruble was introduced at the exchange rate of 1 new ruble = 1,000 pre-1998 rubles. In the second half of the same year ruble fell to about 30 r/$ as a result of financial crisis.
- Taiwan
- As the Chinese Civil war reached its peak. Taiwan also suffered from the hyperinflation that has ravaged china in late 1940's. Highest denomination issued was 1,000,000 Dollar Bearer's Cheque. Inflation was finally brought under control at introduction of New Taiwan Dollar in 15 June 1949 at rate of 40,000 old Dollar = 1 New Dollar
- Turkey
- Throughout the 1990s Turkey dealt with severe inflation rates that finally crippled the economy into a recession in 2001. The highest denomination in 1995 was 1,000,000 lira. By 2005 it was 20,000,000 lira. Recently Turkey has achieved single digit inflation for the first time in decades, and in the 2005 currency reform, introduced the New Turkish Lira; 1 was exchanged for 1,000,000 old lira.
- Ukraine
- Ukraine went through its worst inflation between 1993 and 1995. In 1992, the Ukrainian karbovanets was introduced, which was exchanged with the defunct Soviet ruble at a rate of 1 UAK = 1 SUR. Before 1993, the highest denomination was 1,000 karbovantsiv. By 1995, it was 1,000,000 karbovantsiv. In 1996, during the transition to the Hryvnya and the subsequent phase out of the karbovanets, the exchange rate was 100,000 UAK = 1 UAH. This translates to a hyperinflation rate of approximately 1,400% per month. And to this day Ukraine holds the world record for most inflation in one calendar year, which was set in 1993.[19]
- United States
- During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress authorized the printing of paper currency called continental currency. The easily counterfeited notes depreciated rapidly, giving rise to the expression "not worth a continental."
- Between January 1861 and April 1865, the Lerner Commodity Price Index of leading cities in the eastern Confederacy states increased from 100 to over 9000.[20] As the U.S. Civil War dragged on the Confederate States of America dollar had less and less value, until it was almost worthless by the last few months of the war.
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavia went through a period of hyperinflation and subsequent currency reforms from 1989 to 1994. The highest denomination in 1988 was 50,000 dinars. By 1989 it was 2,000,000 dinars. In the 1990 currency reform, 1 new dinar was exchanged for 10,000 old dinars. In the 1992 currency reform, 1 new dinar was exchanged for 10 old dinars. The highest denomination in 1992 was 50,000 dinars. By 1993, it was 10,000,000,000 dinars. In the 1993 currency reform, 1 new dinar was exchanged for 1,000,000 old dinars. But before the year was over, the highest denomination was 500,000,000,000 dinars. In the 1994 currency reform, 1 new dinar was exchanged for 1,000,000,000 old dinars. In another currency reform a month later, 1 novi dinar was exchanged for 13 million dinars (1 novi dinar = 1 German mark at the time of exchange). The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 novi dinar = 1 × 1027~1.3 × 1027 pre 1990 dinars. Yugoslavia's rate of inflation hit 5 × 1015 percent cumalative inflation over the time period 1 October 1993 and 24 January 1994.
- Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- Zaire went through a period of inflation between 1989 and 1996. In 1988, the highest denomination was 5,000 zaires. By 1992, it was 5,000,000 zaires. In the 1993 currency reform, 1 nouveau zaire was exchanged for 3,000,000 old zaires. The highest denomination in 1996 was 1,000,000 nouveaux zaires. In 1997, Zaire was renamed the Congo Democratic Republic and changed its currency to francs. 1 franc was exchanged for 100,000 nouveaux zaires. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 franc = 3 × 1011 pre 1989 zaires.
- At Independence in 1980, the Zimbabwe dollar was worth about USD 1.25. Since then, rampant inflation and the collapse of the economy have severely devalued the currency, causing many organisations to favour using the US dollar or South African rand instead. Inflation was stable until Robert Mugabe began a program of land reforms that primarily focused on taking land from white farmers and redistributing those properties and assets to black farmers; this in turn sent food production and revenues from export of food plummeting.[21][22][23] Though inflation in Zimbabwe was a monetary phenomena (the result of Mugabe's government printing money) as can be seen by the appearance of ever higher face value printed notes (whose face value exceeded the sum of all previously existing notes).
- Early in the 21st century Zimbabwe started to experience chronic inflation. Inflation reached 624% in 2004, then fell back to low triple digits before surging to a new high of 1,730% in 2006. During that time, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe revalued its currency on 1 August 2006 at a rate of 1,000 old Zimbabwean dollars to 1 revalued Zimbabwean dollar. In June 2007 inflation in Zimbabwe had risen to 11,000% year-to-year from an earlier estimate of 9,000%. On 5 May 2008 the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issued bank notes or "bearer cheques" for the value of ZWD 100 million and ZWD 250 million.[24]. Ten days later on 15 May, new bearer cheques with a value of ZWD 500 million (then equivalent to about USD 2.5) were issued.[25] Five days later on 20 May a new series of notes in the form of "agro cheques" were issued in denominations of ZWD 5 billion, ZWD 25 billion and ZWD 50 billion. An additional agro cheque was issued for ZWD 100 billion on 21 July.[26] Meanwhile inflation has officially surged to 2,200,000%[27] with some analysts estimating figures surpassing 9,000,000 percent.[28] As of 22 July 2008 the value of the ZWD had fallen to approximately 688 billion per 1 USD, or 688 trillion pre-August 2006 Zimbabwean dollars.[29] On 1 August 2008, the Zimbabwe dollar was redenominated by removing 10 zeroes. ZWD 10 billion became 1 dollar after the redenomination.[30]. On 19 August 2008, official figures announced for June estimated the inflation over 11,250,000 percent.[31] Zimbabwe's annual inflation was 231,000,000% in July[32] (prices doubling every 17.3 days). At the beginning of November 2008, the inflation rate was calculated to be at 516 quintillion percent (516,000,000,000,000,000,000%). The monthly inflation was 13.2 billion percent.[33]
- Zimbabwe hyperinflation approached post Second World War Hungary's hyperinflation (Hungary: 12.95 quadrillion percent per month (195% daily), i.e. prices doubling every 15.6 hours. Zimbabwe: 79.6 billion percent per month (98.0%), ie. prices doubling every 24.7 hours[34]).[16] On 16 January 2009, Zimbabwe issued a ZWD100 trillion bill.[35]
[edit] Units of inflation
It's basic creeds is that there is only one god, who is called "allah", and Mohamed is a his sacred prophet. The man , who has a belief of these creeds, is called Mohameden or Mouslim.
It was created at about AD 7 in a desert of Arabian Peninsula.
Scientist have researched it . As them, there is dark mtter in the universe, so it is black.
It is proved by an observation, so, they think, it is true.
We were taught. The universe is empty.However, it is not empty. It is fulled of dark matter.
At a second, 10 billion of dark matter are passing me now. It is unbelievable and brilliant.