Hell Boy 2

2010. 10. 10. 22:44

 I watched this movei and wa sorry because of the prince.

Posted by 동그라미

Drag me to hell

2010. 9. 24. 23:12

 I knew that I must not have watched a movie yesterday night, but I selected this.
 I worried that I didn't work my tasks.....now...I am scary because i don't have anything to to...

Posted by 동그라미

Resident Evil 4

2010. 9. 23. 22:55
I also watched this movie...
Posted by 동그라미

Resident Evil 3

2010. 9. 23. 22:54

I came to my office for working on last monday's night. Maybe, it is difficult for everyone to work all night so that time is very valuable. However I couldn't have worked and watched this movie.

Posted by 동그라미

Kung-fu Fander

2010. 9. 23. 22:51

This is one of them too.

Posted by 동그라미

a time-leaping girl

2010. 9. 23. 22:50

 During this holidays, I watched many movies again...This is one of them.

Posted by 동그라미

The reason that we have to sleep

1. Categorazing and Memorizing my experiences during my sleeping.
2. Effusiong of my under-desires by dreams.
3. Relaxation of my body and brain.

The principals of Deep Sleep

 1. Warm my room for my warm body : At the nights, the temperature is decreased and my body is coller. If my room is cool, I will often wake up for  covering my body with a comforter. I don't realize the fact that I wake up last night, but It affect my sleep.  

Posted by 동그라미